ODM Dialog

This dialog allows you to select wells and data to import from an ODM database. ODM is the Oilfield Data Mangler product from Senergy. To reach this dialog, open Organiser and select the menu item File | Open file ... | ODM Database. Run through the following steps:

  1. Select the ODM Access database.
  2. Select the wells or projects you want to import.
  3. Select the types of data you want to import.
  4. The wells and data are read from the ODM database into the Organiser workspace. From the main Organiser window you can then run through the Match menus to import the data.

1. Select the ODM database

The top button shows a file selector find the ODM database within the selected folder. The ODM database must be a file of type *.mdb or *.accdb. Currently Oracle and SQL Server asre not supported by this import.

Once the file is selected it will be retained for future sessions until you change the selection.

2. Select the well(s) or project

You can select your well list by selecting either from an ODM project, thereby selecting all the wells in the project, or searching for, and selecting individual wells, using the well search. The well search is similar to when searching for wells within StrataBugs, but you will be searching the ODM well list.

3. Select the data type(s)

The list of data types are those that are found within the ODM database. not all of these data types can be imported. The right most column of the data types table allows you to select a matching destination StrataBugs data type. Contact us if you would like to attejmpt to implement a reading procedure for one of the StrataBugs data types you have selected but which is not able to be read.

4. Manage the results

After the selection, pressing OK will attempt to read the data for the selected wells into the workspace. Only wells which have data available for the selected data types will be selected in the workspace.

You need to go through the regular importing steps to manage the import from this point. This will involve the following steps:

Tip: If you want to import ODM data into pre-existing StrataBugs wells you can pre-select the StrataBugs wells in the workspace before selecting the ODM wells, and Load the sample data. This pre-loaded list of samples will be used to match up the depths used in comments, events and interval data. If you do not do this then the sample type will default to LOG for all samples that are not defined within ODM.

Page last updated: 27-Nov-2014 11:18