Converting your database to v3.0
You will need to have a v2.1, or v2.1.1 database to convert. Refer to the v2.1 conversion help if you have a database used with an earlier than v2.1. The conversion process itself in v3.0 can also switch the database platform type, but for v3.0 Access is not supported, so you might need to convert this to an h2 database before proceeding. You can also use the Move/Copy database tool within StrataBugs to move the data to a new database platform if required.
The general procedure is different from previous releases. You use the database utility to create a new v3.0 database. You then create a set of tables in that database (a schema) and then copy your data from a v2.1 connection into the new database.
For an Access database, make a copy of the 2.0 database file. This will usually be a file called sbugs2-0.mdb in your v2.0 StrataBugs folder. Copy this file into the v2.1 data folder (or any other file location that is preferably included in your regular backup cycle), and rename the file so that it is called sbugs2-1.mdb.
Open the conversion program. This will be a file called sbconvert-3.0.x.jar, which is launched from the Control Panel menu, or when you start the control panel with no existing v3.0 connections set up. You may also be able to start this program by double-clicking the file or from a Command Prompt window with the following command:
".\jre7\bin\java" -jar sbonvert3.0.*.jar
- At this point you can download a copy of the demo database before making a v3.0 connection, but if creating a new database, select the option to set up a new connection. The database file should be called sbugs3-0 and you should eithr put this in the StrataBugs folder in a sub-folder called /Data OR in your documents or files path where it can be included in backups.
- If you are connecting to an existing database, or have downloaded the demo database, you will need to create a v3.0 connection to your database.
- Select the option to create a new schema, and run.
- Select the option to copy from an earlier version. Select the v2.1.1 connection, and press run.
- You will taken to a dialog that will copy each table in turn.
- When this is complete, close the database utility and reopen the v3.0 control panel.
- If you get any errors during this process, contact us for advice, as your database might not be useable in v2.1.