Abundance Scheme: Add / Edit dialogs

This dialog allows you to add or edit an abundance scheme. About abundance schemes...

The blue cells in this table mean that you may single-click in a cell to edit it, and navigate around the table using the arrow keys.


Enter a suitable name for the new abundance scheme in the Name field at the top of the dialog.

Hint: The abundance scheme name might include a reference to a discipline, location or age for future reference.

Adding rows

To add a class (or row in the table) press the Add button. Pressing Insert will add a row after any selected row. In this way you can arrange the classes in order of rank.


Maximum 4 characters. Usually compises one or two characters, for example A for abundant and SA for superabundant. Appears on the Overlay toolbar and in the Occurrences table, and optionally on charts.


Minimum value of the class.


The value you wish to use as a numeric equivalent to a particular class. For instance if Common represents between 15 and 50 specimens, the Minimum is 15, but the output value can be any number between 15 and 49.
The output value is used when you plot semi-quant data on a quantitative panel.


Maximum 25 characters. Usually a term such and 'rare', 'occasional' or 'frequent'.

Remove will delete any selected rows.

Show wells... opens the Abundance Scheme Usage dialog for the selected scheme.

Rules for editing an abundance schemes

Page last updated: 25-Nov-2014 15:55