This is a list of all the dialogs in StrataBugs. You can access this help by pressing any of the 'help' buttons in StrataBugs. Its purpose is to explain the detail of each option on each dialog. If this is not what you are looking for, click the links above for help on each module, or go to 'home' for a list of more involved 'how-to' pages.
Abundance Scheme: Add/Edit dialogs
Abundance Schemes dialog
Abundance Scheme Usage dialog
Advanced Taxa Search dialog
Age Curve Reader dialog
Analysis Suites dialog
Analysis Suite: Add/Edit dialogs
Analysis: Add/Edit dialogs
Analyst Data dialog
Analyst: Select dialog
Biostratigraphic Comment: Add/Edit dialogs
Biostratigraphy Panel Options dialog
BugWare File Import Parameters dialog
Caption Builder dialog
Casing / Casing Diameters dialogs
Categories dialog
Chart Properties dialog
Checklist File Import Parameters diaog
Column Mapping dialog
Composite Standard: Add/Edit dialogs
Copy Sample Analysis dialog
Cores dialog
Core Images dialog
Core Shifts dialog
Create Database dialog
CSV Export Options dialog
CSV File Import Parameters dialog
Deviation Survey: Edit dialog
Edit Occurrences dialog
Event: Add/Edit dialog
Event: Add to/Edit in Composite dialogs
Event: Add to/Edit in well dialogs
Event: Generate dialog
Events: Reading event/composite standard from an XLS file
Event: Select dialog
Filtered Taxon Occurrences dialog
Grain Size dialog
Generate Comments from Events dialog
Interval (Chrono/Lithostratigraphy and biozones): Add/Edit dialogs
Interval Comment: Add/Edit dialogs
Interval Lithology dialog
Intervals: Fill Hierarchy dialog
Login dialogs
Log Header: Add/Edit dialogs
Match dialogs
Merge Events dialog
Merge Samples dialog
Merge Taxa dialog
Numeric Codes dialog
ODM (Oilfield Data Manager): Importing
Occurrence: Edit dialog
Overlay: Add/Edit dialogs
Overlays dialog
Overlays: using with a tablet or web browser
Palaeoenvironment: Add/Edit dialogs
Permissions dialog
Person: Add/Edit dialogs
Personnel dialog
Project Mapping frame and dialogs
Sample: Add/Edit dialogs
Sample Age dialog
Sample: Select dialog
Samples: Generate dialog
Sample Lithology dialog
Save as Text dialog
Scheme: Select dialog
Seismic markers dialog
Select Taxa dialog
Select data source dialog
Set: Add/Edit dialog
Sequence Pick: Add to/Edit in Well dialogs
Species Sub-type dialog
Stratigraphic Scheme dialog
Stratigraphic Schemes frame
Stratigraphic Scheme Recalibrate dialog
Stratigraphic Scheme Usage dialog
Subsidence Chart Properties dialog
Synonymy dialog
Taxon: Add/Edit dialogs
Taxon: Well Occurrences dialog
Taxon Images dialog
Taxon References and Notes dialog
TimeScale Creator dialog
TWT: Edit dialog
Version: Select dialog
Well Abundance: Edit dialog
Well: Add/Edit dialog
Wells main window
Well: Select dialog
Well: Select Master dialog
Wireline Log dialogs
Page last updated: 10-Dec-2014 13:01