See also: Guide to the user interface, Charts Glossary
Someone who has analysed a sample. This may be a present or past user of your StrataBugs database, a user of another StrataBugs database or any data provider. |
A unique combination of Discipline, Analyst, Suite no. and Well. Every analysis belongs to a suite. |
Some organisations use unique codes to identify taxa instead of, or as well as, taxon names. These codes can be entered in Taxon database and optionally displayed on charts. | |
A database of fossil ranges from more than one section scaled in stratigraphic units. See Graphic correlation. |
The data in a datafile which you may import to your database (see Host data). | |
First Appearance Datum, refers to the earliest appearance in time of a taxon. (cf LAD) | |
First Downhole Occurrence, refers to the highest appearance in depth of a taxon. (cf LDO) | |
The process of matching the taxon names in a datafile by search for all matches in your database. | |
Graphic correlation | A method of which compares the fossil range data or other temporally distributed data from one well with another or with a composite standard. |
The data in your database against which you are matching data in a datafile. | |
Last Appearance Datum, refers to the latest appearance in time of a taxon. (cf FAD) | |
Last Downhole Occurrence, refers to the lowest appearance in depth of a taxon. (cf FDO) | |
Line of correlation | A line connecting stratigraphic events common to two sections, typically a well and a composite standard. |
Load | The process of matching taxon names in a datafile with those in a translation table (q.v.) in your database. This procedure will make previous editorial changes recorded in the table before matching names with your database. This term is also used to describe reading data from your database to display it in your workspace. |
Match | The process of comparing data in a file with data in your database. |
Any user or analyst (q.v.). | |
Outside the count | A method of counting frequently used by palynologists. After counting a standard number of specimens or fields of view, any additional rare taxa found by scanning the slide are noted as "outside the count". These additional occurrences are represented on StrataBugs charts by the symbol "+" but do not contribute to any statistical calculations. |
Project | A convenient way to group wells. Wells do not need to belong to a project, and can belong to more than one project. |
Scheme | A general term for a set of user defined terms. An IGD scheme comprises units such as zones, sub-zones, etc; an Abundance scheme comprises a ranked list of semiquantative terms which record the number of taxa in a sample; a Lithology scheme comprises a set of lithotype symbols. |
Source data | The Organisation (and analyst) which provided data in a datafile. This information is stored in your database. |
Translation table | A record of the editorial changes you make to taxon names as you import them from a datafile to your database. These changes may be applied subsequently when you import data from the same source by selecting the Load button. |
User | Someone who uses your StrataBugs database. They will have access privileges but may not necessarily be an analyst. |
Version | A way of grouping interpreted data. The first time a well is analysed, its interpretations (eg. biozone intervals, LOC etc) may be stored in version X. If the same well is analysed again later, its interpretations could be stored in a new version called version Y. The two versions are separate but are both contained in the well. |
Workspace | This is the working area on your computer’s desktop in which you display data from external files and from your database. It can be subdivided into a number of Workspace panes depending on the functions you are using. Workspace data may be viewed, edited and exported or saved to the database. |
Page last updated: 03-Dec-2014 16:45