Create a Project Database
This page describes how to create a 'project database'. The process copies all data associated with one project, and well list, to a separate database file. Unlike an export file this new database is a fully working StrataBugs database with all links to dictionaries, groups and charts in place. You could, for example, extract a project database for use at wellsite. You could also use it as an alternative to SBG files when distributing data to clients.
Note that you may also need to export your templates into a separate file for import, using the Chart menu in Charts & Templates, because any charts which contain global panel templates may not be exported.
To start the process, select the project and well llist, and select 'Create DB' from the Project menu in the Wells & Outcrops module.
Running notes
Note that if you are connected to a multi-user database with the background data refresh task running, you will need to disable this feature before you can create a new database (go to Control Panel | Config | Set data refresh rate).
You will have selected a project and well list before opening the dialog. You must select a database file in which to copy the project. This must be an empty StrataBugs v3.0 database. If you try to combine existing data (you will be warned), the results are unpredictable.
You can create an empty database using the v3.0 database utility by creating a new connection and creating the tables.
Alternatively you can download a fresh template database for H2. If you do not rename the (h2) file, a new file will be created as a copy of this file, with the project name appended to the file name, thus the template file will be left in its original state.
The process of copying the data from your database into the new database will begin immediately, and proceed to completion if there are no errors. When complete, you can test the new database by returning to the Control Panel and selecting Change database from the File menu.
Be sure to change back to your main database after testing.
Page last updated: 02-May-2023 11:05