Analysis Suite: Add/Edit dialogs
An Analysis suite is a unique combination of Discipline, Analyst, Suite no. and Well. Every analysis belongs to a suite (thus a single analysis is defined by the Sample and the Suite). If an analyst wishes to make multiple analyses of a set of samples, he can do so by making multiple suites with different suite numbers.
The analysis suite concept means that you do not have to create 'fake' analysts to separate sets of data. For example, you do NOT need to create 'RAB1' for well-site and 'RAB2' for lab analyses, or 'RABP' for paly and 'RABM' for micro.
You MUST define the discipline, analyst and suite number. This defines the suite; you cannot add multiple suites with the same definition. If you are editing the suite, you can only change these unique identifiers if another suite identified by the new combination does not exist.
Depths and dates are blank when you Add a suite. You do NOT need to do anything with these fields: they will be updated automatically. If you wish to add a suite to represent a known set of analyses for which the data are not available, you can do so by editing the depths and dates on this dialog. For normal use however, we do not recommend editing these fields.
Colour can be used to differentiate these analyses on a chart. It will be set to the analyst's default colour, but you can change the colour if you wish.
Comments may include information about when and how the analyses were made (e.g. at well site).
Abundance scheme is only required if you intend to record your data semiquantitatively. (About using abundance schemes...). You cannot use this dialog to change the abundance scheme in a suite that has been used to record semi-quantitative data. To perform this operation, press the ellipses (...) next to the Abundance Scheme field to open the Abundance Schemes dialog. Here, select the old scheme and click Show Wells to open the Abundance Scheme Usage dialog, where you should select the suite you wish to edit. Click Edit... and use the Well Abundance: Edit dialog to change the scheme (follow link for full instructions).
Palaeoenvironmental scheme is only required if you are using sample-by-sample palaeoenvironmental interpretations. (About working with palaeoenvironment schemes....)
Page last updated: 03-Dec-2014 10:11