Exporting data with a single user ID

In some organisations it may be appropriate to export data for clients which includes just one user ID (that of the organisation). Within the organisation however, it is useful if data can be tracked using individual users' IDs. For these situations, StrataBugs is able to switch all user IDs before writing out data files. This will include all data where a User ID is used (e.g. analyses), and also every audit (created/modified/updated) tag.

Illegal data

For some data items, the user ID is part of a unique identifier. These are dealt with as follows:

Setting up for single user export

Two options must be set. Both are found on the Control Panel's Config menu, under the item Data Export.

When the options are set, you can export data from Organiser in the normal way.




Page last updated: 28-Jul-2014 10:11