StrataBugs Server
StrataBugs Server is a server-based application which can be deployed in your organisation to give general access to parts of your StrataBugs database.
It includes a web-based user interface and an XML-based web service, for use by other applications.
This product is licensed separately from StrataBugs.
Key Features
Expose key StrataBugs well and dictionary data within your organisation
Configurable to expose all wells or those matching a name pattern, and always hides restricted wells
Nominate one interpretation version, set by a super-user within StrataBugs
Includes optional core-to-log slip depth correction for core or cuttings samples, if defined in the StrataBugs database
Which data are exposed?
The initial phase of development has been focused on exposing core well interpretations which can be used in other systems.
Wells, projects and well lists - this is useful for exploring what data are in the StrataBugs database.
Depth/age curve, as a list of depth/age nodes, adjusted to a given datum. You can query the age at any depth.
Biozones and chronostratigraphic intervals. These include data from the schemes they are linked to, such as boundary age. You can query the list of wells which have intervals in a certain scheme. You can also produce a list of intervals which would be derived using any given scheme, using the well’s depth/age curve.
Events, with an interpreted age taken from a best-match event scheme for the well.
Analyses (optionally with taxon occurrences) - see the biostratigraphic analysis coverage in a well, broken down by discipline and analyst.
List schemes and users.
Taxon search - this enables you to use the StrataBugs taxon dictionary in other systems.
How will this help in our organisation?
It has always been possible to query a StrataBugs database (using database query language) to obtain subsets of data. Many organisations do this in order to use StrataBugs data in other (internal or external) systems, or to produce specialised reports. The StrataBugs data model is transparent and we provide documentation. However, it is necessarily complex, with hundreds of linked tables. These direct queries can be very involved, if not impossible to construct - for example, finding the age of a surface from a scheme or calculating depth corrections.
Our server application aims to solve this problem by providing a clear and stable interface, underneath which we are taking care of some of the data processing in the same way that we do in StrataBugs. This ensures that the data you see in each is the same. Other applications can easily access the data using the XML interface.
The browser-based user interface could be used to give non-biostratigraphers in your organisation (who would not generally have access to StrataBugs), an easy way to explore the biostrat data assets.