How to diagnose licensing problems
StrataBugs v2 uses a different licensing system to previous versions. When you receive your licence file, which will have a file extension ".lic", this file must be placed in your StrataBugs folder (the folder which contains the system files). When you restart StrataBugs you should then get to either the Control Panel or the login dialogs.
Checking the licence details
If, after receiving your licence file, you get a licence check error, then you should ensure the following:
Open the licence file and check that the hostid in the file matches the hostid displayed on the licence dialog. If the hostid is listed as SENTINEL=xxxx, then the license is configured for a hardware key (dongle). You can press the dongle tester to ensure that it is readable, and that the code returned matches the code in the licence file. (Note that any spaces in this text string are replaced by underscores in the licence file).
Check that you do not have the StrataBugs control panel already running on the machine.
If you are on a multi-user floating licence, check the licence server, and the message - are there already a maximum number of users connected? (contact StrataData for more details about starting a licence server).
You can produce a log file of licence diagnostics to help StrataData resolve licensing issues. This is done by setting an environment variable RLM_DIAGNOSTICS. You do this through the Windows Control panel, System component. Set the variable to the name of the diagnostics file e.g. "rlmdiag.log", as in the example below:
The above example is for Windows 7, the control panel option on other versions of Windows will vary but the User Variable dialog is the same for all.
When this is set up, simply restart the StrataBugs application, arrive at the licence check dialog, then close it. You will now have a text file in your StrataBugs folder which can be sent to StrataData.
You should delete the environment variable after the file has been created, to avoid creating a new log file every time you start the control panel.
There are more help resources for RLM on the Reprise Software web site.