Latest News
Version 3.0
13 Oct 2023. Version 3.0.48 released. Simple guide to converting a 2.1 database here.
10 Feb 2023. We have released 3.0.24 of version of 3.0.
12 January 2023. We have a candidate release, 3.0.22 of version of 3.0. Please see this here for details.
March 2022. We have released a test version of 3.0 which will be the next release. This features an integrated mapping system by adding map blocks to charts. Please see this here for details.
StrataBugs v2.1/v2.1.1
20 June 2020 Release of v2.1.1-14. Compatible with v2.1.1, bundled with Java 14.
22 May 2020 New option to download bundle which includes java environment.
17 Apr 2020 See our blog post for tips on working remotely through the Coronovirus crisis.
23 Jul 2019 Recent changes to Java support might mean that you will want to use an alternative Java runtime environment. See this page for further details.
24 Jan 2019 To update your database from v2.1 to v2.1.1, please see here.
15 Aug 2018 We have a possible solution to the Sentinel driver issue. Please see this link for details of a fix.
12 June 2018 We are aware of a possible problem with the Sentinel dongle driver and the latest Windows 10 update (1803). If your licence stops working after this update and you have a hardware key (dongle) then please contact support for a temporary licence. This will only apply to versions 2.0 and later.
5 April 2018 Current version is now 2.1.1. This is a minor upgrade to v2.1 and is backwards compatible, i.e. a v2.1.1 application can run against either a v2.1 or a v2.1.1 database. There are update scripts available for moving your database from v2.1 to v2.1.1. Contact us for details. There will be information in our blog and on the help pages of the changes in v2.1.1.
7 Feb 2017 Web site back after an outage period. We aplogise for this interruption due to circumstances beyone our control.
30 Dec 2016 Production update released. There are new libraries added to this release, you will need to use the latest updater to obtain a working copy. Do not use an old copy of the updater in your system, launch this from our update page (above right).
14 July 2015 It is now possible to configure the legacy chart application using an H2 database with these instructions. You will need to ensure your system has been updated to the latest build.
18 Mar 2015 Following extensive feedback and some data model changes, the production release of StrataBugs v2.1 is now available. StrataBugs v2.1 is now the current version. We will continue to support v2.0. If you hold a maintenance contract and are entitled to v2.1 please contact us for an updated licence. You will need to copy your existing database and convert it for use with v2.1. See Getting Started.
14 Nov 2014 - Beta Test version of StrataBugs 2.1 available. We are pleased to announce the new addition of the Macintosh platform OS X, and 64-bit Windows to the supported platforms. Please refer to the compatibility matrix for more information. You may require additional training before you can get the best from v2.1. You will need to convert your own database before you can use your previous v2.0 database with v2.1. A conversion program is supplied. You can download v2.1 from the new updater on the Resources page.
5 Feb 2016. Web site moved to a new server. This is to improve the new StrataBlog (see link below left) with a more powerful environment. Please report any problems.
We are running a series of workshops for v2.1. Contact us if you are interested.
StrataBugs v2.0
17 April 2015 Production release update.
8 Jan 2015 - Production download has been updated from the Test version (previous production update 14 Aug 2014, 27 Feb 2014, 21 Nov 2013, 14 Nov 2013, then 16 May 2013).
13 Nov 2014 - If you are using Oracle or SQL Server you can configure StrataBugs 2.0 over Java 8 using these instructions.
3 Nov 2014 - If you are running StrataBugs 2.0 you will need to retain Java 7, or if you have a server based database, re-configure using the above instructions. The current production release is not compatible with Java 8, due to database driver dependencies. If you are installing for the first time, please go to this page to download Java 7. You will need the 32-bit version. If you have Java 8 installed as well, then follow these instructions to set up a shortcut that will work with Java 7.
v2.0 is the standard version for new clients. We continue to update regularly in response to queries and suggestions. Contact StrataData to help plan your migration from v1.8.
22 Jan 2014 - Web site moved to dedicated server.
StrataBugs Help Online
Getting to know version 2.0 couldn't be easier. The new help pages are full of tutorials, explanations and screenshots to help improve your workflow - from basic concepts to complex processes.
Quick links | Downloads and updates for StrataBugs are now in our resources area. You can find StrataBugs help for v2.0 via the technical support page.
StrataBugs v2.0 demonstration available
A demonstration version is available as a free download. v2.0 offers a significantly improved user experience over previous versions, and contains many exciting new features.
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StrataBugs Newsletters
How will StrataBugs improve our work?
For internal use you will probably spend less time inputting, organising and arranging data for presentation, and allow more time and focus on interpretation. For stratigraphic interpretation you can cross plot stratigraphic ages against depth and quickly produce a chronostratigraphic chart. For environmental interpretation you can easily make groupings of related taxa for display.
Your clients or partners may well have StrataBugs and providing them with data in our format will be an easier and more efficient way to present your data to them, which can only be of mutual benefit.
What kind of data are being generated and what are the output data?
You can output the "raw" analyses of taxon data, as spreadsheets, text files or in our own formats which include all interpretations and even off microscope images. Images can be stored within the database itself along with wireline log files. Basic data and interpretations can be output in various text formats for incorporation into other systems - we can also add specific formats if you can't find what you need. You can import data packs that are used in Timescale Creator, import and export to ODM, export matrix data to TACSworks. We can help you set up a database view on a corporate well header database if available, to keep well header names and data synchronised. We can also advise on custom links.