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StrataBugs Learning Trail | Section 7: Charts


A StrataBugs chart consists of one more more block templates with applied block properties (including a well context), along with a set of chart properties. It may also include one or more correlation templates. The chart can be saved, printed, and exported to an image file.

The Chart is a layout design which displays certain data from the database. It does NOT include that specific data. When you save a chart layout, you are not preventing the underlying data from being changed. The only way to truly archive a chart is to save an image of it (e.g. PDF).

Before you can create a chart, you will need to create a block template.

Combining block templates to create a chart

In the Charts module, choose File | New Chart... Choose a name and project. A new tab is created for the chart.

The tree now displays two folders: Block Templates and Correlation Templates. Double-click to expand the block templates folder to show the different block types; within each of these folders you will find the block templates available to add to this chart. You can add any block template from the global or the current project.

Click on a block template in the tree to show its list of panels. You can also double-click on the block template to open it in a new tab.

Don't forget that block template tabs have a blue background and display dummy data. Chart tabs have a white background and display data from your database.


Drag and drop a block template onto the chart.

If you drag a well or project block, you will see the Block Import Option dialog. Selecting a well will create one block based on the template, with the selected well applied. Selecting a project will create one block per well in the project, all based on the same template. Unassigned blocks have no well assigned. These can be opened in the Samples & Interpretations module. See this tutorial for notes on the 'unassigned' option.

Click on a block in the chart...

To edit the block properties, click or double-click in the right-hand column of the table.

The link symbol in a property row shows that all blocks in the chart share the same value for that property. If you change the property for one block, it will update in the other blocks. To "unlink" a property, click on the symbol. It changes to unlinked to show that it is unlinked. This property can now be set independently in different blocks.


Chart Properties

Press the chart properties icon on the main toolbar to open the Chart Properties dialog.

Adding Correlation Templates

See this page for information about (including how to create) correlation templates. You can apply unlimited correlation templates to chart. If the data in the templates is not found in the chart, no lines will be drawn.

Apply a correlation template (or standard correlation) to your chart by dragging and dropping it from the tree. Click on the chart between blocks to show the list of applied correlation templates. Click on an item in this list to see the correlation properties in the table below. Click in the right-hand column of the table to edit these properties:

Using standard correlations

You may have applied standard correlation templates to your chart while you were working on the interpreted data. Now you wish to refine the plotted lines, pick a chart datum, and highlight certain lines with a different style. To do this, you can create correlation templates from your applied standards.

Right-click on the applied correlation standard. Choose Create template...

You can also use 'event' standard correlations to create taxon groups. This is an efficient way of creating a group for taxa linked to events which are common to a set of wells. You could use this group, for example, to filter a biostratigraphy distribution panel. Right-click on the applied event correlation standard and choose Add to taxon group...

Page last updated: 07-Sep-2015 16:43