Samples & Interpretations Menus
Open Well - Enables you to add more wells to the display. Select one or more wells from the Well: Select dialog. You will be given the opportunity to clear the existing display or add the newly selected wells to new tabs.
Open Project - opens all the wells in a project (each in their own tab) using the Project: Select dialog.
Close selected well tab - immediately removes the selected well tab from the display.
Detach selected well tab - when data from more than one well are displayed you can detach a each tab from the main window and position it elsewhere on your screen. This enables you to view and edit well data for more than one well without repeatedly switching tabs. To re-attach the tab close the newly created window. This is especially useful if you have a dual-screen display.
Detach selected well chart tab - This creates a new frame around the charts tab of the selected well tab, enabling you to view the well data alongside the chart data. As you make changes in one window, the changes will be reflected in the other. When you close the window the tab will reattach to the well tab within the main window (or the floating window if the well tab has been detached).
Detach selected well document preview - detaches just the document preview tab from the selected well.
Save open wells as project/well list - create a new well list easily from open tabs.
Open chart template tab for all wells - creates a new tab within the Charts tab using the selected well block template, for each well that is open, if it's not open already.
Print | Chart - enables you to print the currently selected chart on the chart tab, scaled automatically to fit the selected device print area. If you need to print a chart over multiple sheets, print to a PDF file then plot that.
Print | Analyses - enables you to print sample logging sheets of any selected analyses. See Printing Sample Logging Sheets for more details.
Print | Image Gallery - enables you to print a grid of all the images attched to taxon occurrences in the selected analyses (which could be the entire well). See Printing Image Galleries.
Export chart - export the currently selected tab in the charts tab, to various formats.
Overlay | Select - use an "Overlay" as picklist input device on alternative monitor or touch screen. Opens the Overlay: Select dialog. When you open an overlay from here, it is ready for recording occurrences in the selected well. More about using overlays...
Overlay | Select for tablet - select an overlay and use it with a tablet, phone, or browser connected to your network
Overlay | Add - add a new overlay using the Overlay dialog. You can add taxa to your new overlay by populating the picklist, switching the overlay into design mode and dragging and dropping from the picklist to the overlay cells. More about using overlays...
Overlay | Edit - if you have an overlay open, this item opens the Overlay dialog where you can edit the details of the overlay.
Abundance schemes - opens the Abundance Schemes dialog, where you can view and edit the abundance schemes in your database. This may be necessary if you wish to record semi-quantitative occurrences. You must set the analysis suite abundance scheme before you can record semi-quantitative data. More about using abundance schemes...
Create voice recognition file - this item is not currently available. In future it may be possible to enter occurrence data using voice recognition. Please contact StrataData for more information.
Parse sample - connected with voice recognition (see above).
- Exit - closes the Samples & Interpretations module.
Copy analysis occurrences from... - enables you to copy a previously recorded analysis into a new (empty) analysis. Start by adding the new analysis on the Analyses tab. Select the newly added analysis, and select the Copy analysis from menu option to open the Copy Sample Analysis dialog.
Move selected analyses to suite... - changes the suite associated with the selected analyses. For instance if you have some analyses assigned to a suite ABC/1, and you wish to assign them to a suite XYZ/1. Following the move, you may wish to delete the previous analysis suite if it's no longer in use.
Merge selected analyses with suite... - this option copies the contents of the selected analyses into the analyses of the selected suite. Use this option where you have analyses which you wish to combine into one suite. Following the merge, you cannot reverse the procedure - there is not currently an option to take selected occurrences out of an analysis and assign them to another analysis.
Set sample weight for selection - use this to batch-edit the sample weight for analyses. Select the list you wish to edit in the Analyses tab first.
Reassign taxon/merge occurrences - use this option to change all occurrences of one taxon to another taxon. This will affect all analyses in the current well. Where the original taxon and its replacement both exist in a sample, you will be able to browse the samples and will have the option to discard all the data for the original taxon, or to add the occurrences together. The latter will result in an occurrence count of the sum of both the original taxa. Additional data like Caving and comments may also be merged, if they exist in the replacement occurrence and not in the original.
- Generate sample list - generate a list of samples using the Samples: Generate dialog.
Merge Selected sample pair - select a pair of samples and merge them, eliminating the sample selected on the Merge Samples dialog. (See also: "Reassign taxon" in analyses menu above, if you want to merge occurrences of two taxa into occurrences of one taxon).
Biocomm. taxon name options - this changes the preference for the automatic addition of taxon names to biostratigraphic comments entered on the Occurrences tab. If you have one or more occurrences selected in the table and then you enter a comment, the taxon names from those occurrences are added to the comment, with or without the species name abbreviated.
Age and isotope ratio - here you can enter more data about absolute sample ages via the Sample Age dialog.
Occurrences table options - opens a Table Options dialog. This feature is not yet fully implemented, but you can set the Occurrences table to either scroll so that you can see all columns, or shrink all columns to fit into the window size.
Filtered Occurrences - opens the Filtered Taxon Occurrences dialog, where you can see a list of all the occurrences in the selected well that are markers, or have comments or images.
- Well tab titles - gives you the option of displaying either the name of the well or its code in the tab title. This is useful if you have several wells with the same name! The wells retain alphabetical ordering by name and then code. The tab title has a tooltip which shows both the name and the code. Your preference for this setting is stored for next time you open StrataBugs.
Mode - Logging or Browsing - the mode affects the Occurrences table. The default, browsing mode, is set to guard against accidental edits to the abundance data. Double-clicking in the table while this mode is selected will show the Occurrences dialog. Use Logging mode when recording data using the picklist. Double-clicking in the table increments or decrements the abundance, and the counts columns are editable (blue).
Abundance options - options for the way in which taxon occurrences are counted:
Quantitative: counts are numerical (1, 2, 3, 4.... etc).
Semi-quantitative: counts are made using a selected abundance scheme which ranks abundances in a number of classes (e.g. Rare, Common, Abundant, etc.)
Separate size fractions: Numerical counts can be made independently of three different size fractions (Coarse, Medium and Fine). No definition of size is implied; this is up to the user.
Hint: This is particularly useful for micropalaeontologists when combined with split factors (which you can edit using the Add/Edit Analysis dialog) as it allows for counts to be made on different quantities of three size fractions of residue and the results meaningfully combined on a chart display.
Set count limit -limit the count to a preferred maximum by selecting this option and entering a numerical limit for the analysis. Records beyond this number will automatically be recorded as "outside the count" and displayed as "+" on charts. If you do not wish to set a limit you may leave the default of "0".
Set count multiplier button - this feature is not yet implemented.
Picklist - a submenu has options for the picklist (many of which are accessible from buttons on the picklist itself):
View | Multiple / Single columns - multiple columns of taxa are scrolled horizontally: if you have a wide screen and maximise the size of the picklist window you may be able to see several columns of taxa, depending on the length of the taxon names. Single column view displays the list with a vertical scrollbar. The other options here are self-explanatory and can be used to fit more items on your picklist screen.
Insert taxa (or
icon on picklist tab) add individual taxa to the picklist the database using the Select Taxa dialog.
Insert group (or
icon on picklist tab) - add a whole group of taxa to the picklist.
Insert well/outcrop (or
icon on picklist tab) - add all the taxa recorded from a well or outcrop (in one discipline only) to the picklist.
Save as group - save your Picklist for use another time by saving it as a group. You can either select an existing group name from the list and overwrite it or add to it, or enter a name for a new group.
Clear - immediately removes all the taxon names from the Picklist. You will NOT be given a warning before they are removed. Note: this does not delete taxa from the database.
Clear selection - removes selected taxa from the picklist.
Page last updated: 28-Apr-2023 9:58