Saving sessions, and clicks
Those of you that typically use the “Restore Session” option when reopening the Samples & Interpretations module will have noticed that although the previous sessions wells/outcrops and tabs are restored, it didn’t reinstate the previous tab selections. This hasn’t seemed to us to be a very big deal, as we assumed that most people, most of the time, tend to work more intensively on fewer wells, so the task of clicking on a few tabs to get back to the block template you were last viewing, seems trivial.
The assumption doesn’t hold true for larger field review studies, or for shallow borehole geotechnical work which typically involves tens of boreholes (the usual scenario for BioChron). In these cases, being able to reopen your session with the same tabs open can save a lot of clicks. If this applies to you, then an update to the latest release of v2.1.1 or v2.1.1-14 is all you need to do.
If you do restore a session but get an error message pop up during the restore, then copy this to us (as always) with a simple screen shot, but don’t worry unduly because an error in this phase is unlikely to need anything other than a few extra clicks to get back to where you were.