Working with the Standard Chart
Amongst the many voices of approval from those that have got to grips with the templated charts in v2.1 there are always a few folks who are permanently wedded to the idea of “one well, one chart”, and don’t want to work in a templated view of the world. They also prefer a WYSIWIG panel property editor, so they can make individual panel changes as required for the well they’re working on. For them, getting to know the options available on the standard chart is where they need to start.
The Standard chart tab in the Samples & Interpretations module is always present, and contains a panel for all the data types that are present in the well. You can customise the standard chart by clicking in the chart properties icon in the toolbar: and using the panel list to add/edit and delete panels. Right clicking on any panel in the chart will bring up the option to edit the panel’s properties.
In this way you can create the chart you want. When you’re done, you can then use the rightmost button to save the chart as a template.
At this point you can name your template for use in the next well. Any panels that have different properties to the default will be saved in the new template.
In your second well, use the penultimate button on the toolbar to load the template you previously made into the standard chart…
Now, make any changes you like to the panel properties. When you’re done, pres the last button again to save the template.At this stage you have a choice: if you update the existing template, then this will also apply to your first well and any others that happen to be using this template. This may or may not be what you want. To keep things simple, you can select New Template, and the template name will be suffixed by the well name, and thereafter opened in a new tab bearing the template name.
When you next open your wells, the template tabs will reopen in the same state they were saved in, while the standard chart will reset to the default layout. To make changes, see above (load your template into the standard chart ….)
Lots more information on the charts tab, as always, in the help here.