StrataBugs and Java updates
Here at StrataData towers we’ve been working to prepare for the next major release of StrataBugs, which will likely to be called v3.0 and involve some database updates. It’s also going to be built on the latest version of Java. Things have been happening in the Java world. Many of you will have noticed that Oracle have stopped freely licencing Java except for personal use: you are now required to buy (for a nominal fee) a licence for Java itself before you can run any Java-based software. Fear not, however, as there are open source builds of Java available to download with no licensing restrictions. The current version of StrataBugs, version 2.1.1, will require version 7 or 8 of java, and there are various builds available for you to use. To simplify, we have created a downloadable bundle of StrataBugs with the Azul Zulu version of Java 8; with this you can run StrataBugs without having to “install” Java on your machine. This means that you will also not be pestered about Java updates.
We have also made available an intermediate version between v2.1.1 and v3.0, which we’re calling v2.1.1-14, which uses the latest Java 14. In this case, a tailored version of Java 14 is bundled with the download. It is fully compatible with your v2.1/v2.1.1 database, and can be used in place of your existing installation. The advantage of using Java 14 is that it responds to screen sizing better. High resolution “4k” screens are becoming more common – if you look at your Windows display properties, and it shows that your fonts etc. are displayed at 200% or 250%, then you’re likely to be running a 4k screen. In its default setting, StrataBugs will be unusable, as the contents of the windows will “outgrow” the window borders. With Java 8 there is a workaround to this: but it does look slightly pixelated. With Java 14, scaling works correctly and the windows and dialogs are sharp.
You can download this new version but you will need a licence update to run it: we are only releasing this version to current (2020) maintenance holders.
Get in touch with if you want more information, or for any other StrataBugs queries.